As a cardiologist who also specializes in chronic venous insufficiency, I have been fortunate to provide the most minimally invasive modern vein care to patients. Venous insufficiency is when your veins do not efficiently transport blood back to your heart. This results in congestion in the veins which may cause a wide range of symptoms and physical findings as following:
- Pain with sitting or standing
- Varicose Veins/Spider Veins
- Restless legs
- Cramping at night
- Swollen legs
- Leg heaviness and fatigue
- Skin changes and discoloration
- Healed or active skin ulcers
- Dry like skin rashes below the knee

Some individuals may be on diuretics, wearing compression stockings, or receiving antibiotics creams for these symptoms, without actually treating the underlying disease. We would like to help get to the root cause of the problem.
We have available technology that can effectively treat underlying venous insufficiency symptoms with very good clinical results and patient satisfaction. Typically, patients can resume normal activities within a few days of the procedure and often patients can notice a difference within the first 24hrs. For most, symptoms may continue to improve 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
Most insurance plans provide partial or full coverage for most vein conditions. Our office staff will help in the pre-authorization process with your insurance provider before treatment.
Setup an evaluation today! Complete the appointment request below or call our office at 626-716-9206.